Vienne (Autriche)

Dealing with the past and reconciliation processes in the Western Balkans

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Convegno internazionale annuale di Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Monday 10th November 2008 : Kassensaal, Nationalbank, Otto Wagner Platz 3
Tuesday 11th November 2008 : Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8

Programme :

Monday 10th November 2008
Kassensaal, Nationalbank, Otto Wagner Platz 3

9:00 - Welcome
EWALD NOWOTNY, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) - Vienna
EMIL BRIX, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) - Vienna
CHRISTOPHE SOLIOZ, Center for European Integration Strategies (CEIS) - Geneva

9:15 - Keynote Speeches
WOLFGANG PETRITSCH, Austria’s Permanent Representative to OECD - Paris
NATASA KANDIC, Centre for Humanitarian Law - Belgrade
LUISA CHIODI, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - Rovereto (Italy)

10:30 - Coffee break

10:45 - Panel I
Dealing with the past and reconciliation in the Western Balkans : 1941-1990

ROBERT PICHLER, University of Graz
WOLFGANG HÖPKEN, University of Leipzig
STEPHANIE SCHWANDNER-SIEVERS, School of Slavonic and East European Studies - London
VESNA TERSELIC, Documenta - Zagreb

Chair :
CHRISTIAN WEHRSCHÜTZ, ORF / Wiener Zeitung - Vienna

12:30 - Lunch

14:00 - Panel II
Reconciliation processes 1990-2008 : a critical reflection

REFIK HODZIC, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - The Hague
PETER ATANASOV, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje
IGBALLE ROGOVA, Kosova Women´s Network - Prishtina
MIRSAD TOKACA, Centre for Research and Documentation - Sarajevo

Chair :
VEDRAN DZIHIC, Center for European Integration Strategies - Vienna

15:45 - Coffee break

16:15 - Panel III
Chances of reconciliation in context of EU integration

NENAD SEBEK, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in South East Europe - Tessaloniki
VERENA KNAUS, European Stability Initiative - Prishtina
GORAN SVILANOVIC, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights - Belgrade
FRANCO JURI, Slovenian Member of Parliament - Ljubljana
VETON SURROI, Publisher and politician - Prishtina

Chair :
ZARKO RADULOVIC, Austrian Press Agency (APA) - Vienna

18:15 - Final speech
ERHARD BUSEK, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)

Tuesday 11th November 2008
Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8

Discussion panel
in co-operation with South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), Vienna

10:00 - Short Documentary screening
KATHARSIS - Reconciliation Work of Independent Media in Serbia and Croatia
By Irena Ristic
A/CH, 2005, 12’

10:15 - Discussion panel

IRENA RISTIC, Journalist, Radio 1 - Zürich
VERAN MATIC, Chief Executive Officer, B92 - Belgrade
MIGJEN KELMENDI, Journalist, founder of "Epoca" and "Java" - Prishtina
DRAGUTIN HEDL, Journalist, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - Osijek
AHMED BURIC, Journalist, Oslobodjenje - Sarajevo

Chair :
OLIVER VUJOVIC, Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation - Vienna

11:45 - Buffet

12:30 - Documentary screening
By Janko Baljak
B92, HR/SRB, 2006, 103’


Osservatorio sui Balcani e Caucaso organizza un pullman che parte da Rovereto domenica 9 novembre 2008 alle ore 9:00 e ritorna a Rovereto mercoledì 12 novembre nel tardo pomeriggio.

Osservatorio mette a disposizione dei propri lettori n. 20 posti al costo di 60 euro. Sono escluse le spese di vitto e alloggio per le quali ciascun partecipante deve organizzarsi in autonomia.

Per iscriversi è necessario compilare il modulo on-line all’indirizzo seguente, indicando se si richiede il trasporto organizzato da Osservatorio :


Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rovereto
Chiara Sighele
telefono : +39 0464 424230>]