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Webinar : The Left in the post-Yugoslav space

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10h15 Introduction

with Jean-Michel De Waele (ULB)

· 10h15 - 10h30 The Left in the post-Yugoslav space

with Romain Biesemans (ULB), Neira Šabanović (ULB), Gianmarco Bucci (Sns Pisa)

· 10h30 - 11h15 Panel I

- Možemo ! and Moramo : New trajectories of organisational development of post-Yugoslav left-wing groupings with Dominika Mikucka-Wójtowicz (University of Warsaw)

- New (populist) left and old identity politics in Serbia : The case of 2022 parliamentary elections with Dušan Spasojević (University of Belgrade)

· 11h15 - 12h00 Panel II

- How Left is Left enough : Levica’s birth and political denunciation with Biljana Vankovska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje)

- Opposition boycotts and the evolution of parties in Southeast Europe : The case of Social Democratic Union of Macedonia with Venelin Bochev (ULB)

· 12h00 Conclusions

Mandatory registration via email : gianmarco.bucci3@studio.unibo.it