Podgorica (Monténégro)

Balkan River Summit 2024 - Uniting Voices for the Blue Heart of Europe

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For over ten years, the “Save the Blue Heart of Europe” campaign has tirelessly worked towards protecting free-flowing rivers from Slovenia to Greece. This effort has grown into an incredible movement, with activists all over the Balkan Peninsula achieving tremendous successes in halting dam projects and saving river jewels of the Blue Heart. However, the fight is far from over, as new challenges and opportunities for river protection continue to emerge.

This year’s Balkan River Summit will provide a forum for all river protectors and supporters to reconnect, celebrate successes, exchange stories, inspire each other, and jointly strategise for the future.

The Balkan River Summit 2024 will occur in Podgorica, Montenegro from 29 September to 3 October 2024. On the 29th of September, we will all celebrate World Rivers Day together !

Registration is free, and it is open NOW ! Save your spot and share this information. Registration open until July 31 !